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BerlinVRnissage: Berlin’s first VR art challenge „Off The Wall“
9. November 2018 um 20:00 – 2:00

Berlin’s first VR art challenge: Off The Wall *
Open call to the artists of Berlin
Immerse yourself – learn the future – create awesome art
WIN a VR setup & many cool prizes
We challenge you to transport your urban art into the future with Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Participants: Street artists, Graffiti artists, Illustrators, Tape artists, Painters, Visual Artists, Performers, Installation artists, Art students, Media students, etc. with NO ! previous experience in VR art tools
Topic: Off the wall
VR dismantles walls in the minds … 3D instead of 2D … no limits … multiple realities … exceptional, outside the box
* off the wall is a little hard to explain, it means something that is so out there, even your mom says holy f*** !
Creativity, openness and imagination are the strong powers that could give VR the status in society that this new technology deserves. Art will play an essential role in that development. The VR art challenge is a collaboration of Grover and VR artist Miguelangelo Rosario for the creation of urban art, to demonstrate the creativity that could be released with this new medium and technology.
It’s an open call to analog artists in Berlin to explore virtual reality creation tools. The 25 participating artists get an experienced tutor to learn and create their art in VR. The art will be transformed into an augmented reality graffiti. This gives the artists the possibility to show their art in a new unseen way as an overlay to reality. A Jury of experts will select 10 finalists for the Awards. The supporters of this challenge joined forces to sponsor some big prizes. Various Computers and Vr setups and much more. The challenge is not only for the artists, it’s a challenge for the sponsors too, to unite brand interest and reward innovation in urban art. The sponsored hardware will enable the artists to create more VR art after the challenge. The art will be shown in an exhibition in VR and AR with printed word clouds. The date for the Award is the 9.11. 2018 in celebration of the fall of the german wall. AR visualizes the VR experience in urban space and allows it to be experienced immersive through mobile devices. The encouragement to copy the word clouds and spread them in Berlin will create a lot of attention for those new technologies.
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