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Veranstaltungen für 3. Mai 2019

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FMX – Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Immersive Media

30. April 20193. Mai 2019
Haus der Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19
Stuttgart, 70174 Deutschland
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100 Euro – 400 Euro

FMX – Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Immersive Media is an event by Filmakademie’s Animationsinstitut. It takes place at the exclusive Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart every spring. There, media creators share insights into the latest creative developments of their productions and present cutting-edge tools and pipelines, fascinating real time technologies and innovative business models. Their contributions…

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VRDB#49: Unity3D workshop 1/5

3. Mai 2019 um 18:3020:30
SAE Institute Berlin, Cuvrystraße 4
Berlin, 10997 Deutschland
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If you would like to get into VR/AR, one of the most popular software for it is Unity3D. It is free and we will go through its basics during this 5 coming workshops. The workshop is also free but to help with retention rate we charge 15€ that we give back to you at the…

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This happened Hamburg #11

3. Mai 2019 um 19:3023:30
Haus73, Schulterblatt 73
Hamburg, 20357 Deutschland
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This happened is a series of events focusing on the stories behind interaction design. We delve into projects that exist today, how their concepts and production process can help inform future work. (Inter)nationale Sprecher lassen hinter die Kulissen ihrer digitalen, interaktiven und/oder urbanen Projekte blicken. Die Veranstaltung beginnt am 3.5.2019 um 19:30 Uhr, Einlass 19…

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